Carl Weathers, known for his iconic portrayal of Apollo Creed in the “Rocky” film series, will be honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame posthumously. The star, the second in the sports entertainment category, recognizes his nearly 50-year acting career and significant contributions to the world of entertainment. Weathers, a former football player turned actor, had a successful career in both fields. He began his acting journey in college and went on to star in various productions before becoming a household name with his role in “Rocky.”
The star-studded ceremony, sponsored by the Las Vegas Raiders, will feature several notable speakers, including actor-directors LeVar Burton and Bryce Dallas Howard. Weathers’ son Matthew will accept the star on his behalf. Weathers passed away on February 2, 2024, at the age of 76, but was actively involved in preparing to receive his star.
Throughout his career, Weathers took on a variety of roles in film and television, including roles in “Predator,” “Happy Gilmore,” and the Disney+ series “The Mandalorian.” He also directed episodes of popular shows like “FBI” and “Law & Order.” Stallone, his longtime friend and colleague, praised Weathers for his talent and contribution to the success of the “Rocky” franchise. The Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony will be live-streamed on the Walk of Fame’s website for fans to watch and celebrate Weathers’ enduring legacy in the entertainment industry.
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