Juan Carlos Perez, a former candidate for the Pasadena Unified School District Board of Education, faced devastation as the wind-fueled Eaton fire destroyed his home in Altadena and his child’s school, Aveson Charter School. Perez expressed the emotional toll of the loss and the impact on his family, particularly his daughter who was deeply attached to the school.
The fire not only destroyed homes but also forced 1,383 district employees to evacuate, with five schools being destroyed in the Pasadena Unified School District. Superintendent Elizabeth Blanco emphasized the goal of getting children back to school quickly once it is safe.
To support fire-affected school districts, Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order allowing displaced children to attend schools outside their district. While the recovery process for PUSD is uncertain, the community is coming together to support those affected, with donations being accepted through the Pasadena Educational Foundation.
Despite the challenges, some parents remain hopeful and express confidence in the district’s ability to manage the crisis. The community is rallying together in the face of loss, showing resilience and support for one another during this difficult time.
Photo credit www.dailynews.com