Randall Miod, a beloved local icon in Malibu, tragically lost his life in the devastating Palisades fire after spending decades embodying the spirit of the eclectic beach community. Known as Randy or Crawdaddy to friends and family, Miod purchased the iconic Crab Shack home where he lived for 30 years. Despite facing natural disasters like fires and rock slides, Miod refused to leave his cherished property. He passed away trying to save his home, leaving behind a legacy of friendship, charisma, and love for his community. Miod’s mother, Carol Smith, has been overwhelmed by the support and mourning for her son, describing him as legendary and almost iconic. Friends and neighbors remember the vibrant spirit and impact Randy had on their lives, with plans to honor him through songs and possibly a movie. Malibu has lost a true local hero, but his memory and spirit live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved him.
Photo credit www.dailynews.com