Renowned artist Robert Vargas created a stunning three-panel, six-story mural in Boyle Heights to honor legendary Dodgers pitcher Fernando Valenzuela, who passed away in early 2024. Vargas described the mural as a representation of both the player and the man, with the final panel showing Valenzuela tipping his hat towards Dodger Stadium as a gesture of gratitude and farewell. Despite Valenzuela’s unexpected death on the day painting began, Vargas worked tirelessly for 10 days to unveil the first two panels on Nov. 3.
The mural quickly became a focal point for the community, with hundreds of people gathering each day to watch Vargas at work. The artist described the project as a celebration of culture and perseverance, rather than just a memorial. Valenzuela’s wife, Linda, and other family members also visited the mural site regularly, finding comfort and solace in Vargas’ tribute to the baseball icon.
Attending Valenzuela’s public funeral Mass on Nov.6, Vargas was moved to hear one of the pitcher’s sons mention the mural in his speech. Linda Valenzuela expressed her appreciation for the artwork, noting that she could see her late husband in the mural with clarity. The family’s kindness and support left Vargas feeling humbled and honored to have been able to create a fitting tribute to the beloved Dodgers player.
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