Gail Simone, renowned comic book writer of “Birds of Prey” and “Wonder Woman,” recently released her first novel, “Red Sonja: Consumed.” In an interview with correspondent Diya Chacko, Simone discussed her love for reading and shared her experiences with literature.
Simone highlighted the impact of her mother and librarians on her reading life, emphasizing the importance of being able to freely explore different genres and age groups. She also revealed her current reading list, which includes the “Bridgerton” novels and books by Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama.
When asked about book recommendations, Simone expressed her preference for tailoring suggestions to individual tastes rather than recommending just one book. She recalled a memorable moment when she spoke at the White House during the Obama administration about media representations of LGBTQ+ and people with disabilities, humorously mentioning her last-minute outfit choice for the occasion.
Simone’s passion for reading and storytelling shines through in her work, making her a prominent figure in the comic book and literary world.
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