In Michael Connelly’s new crime thriller “The Waiting,” LAPD detective Renée Ballard’s cold-case team delves into the decades-old case of the Pillowcase Rapist after a DNA hit provides a fresh lead. When Ballard’s badge and gun are stolen, she enlists the help of retired detective Harry Bosch and together they uncover a domestic terrorism plot. Bosch’s daughter Maddie, also an LAPD officer, joins the investigation, leading them to the infamous unsolved Black Dahlia murder case.
The novel explores the interconnected stories of Ballard and Bosch, with the addition of Maddie Bosch as a significant character. Connelly incorporates real-life crimes, such as the Pillowcase Rapist, and a gang of surfers stealing surfers’ possessions, into the plot, highlighting the dangers faced by officers in their daily work.
Connelly discusses the role of citizen sleuths like Colleen Hatteras, who brings expertise to Ballard’s cold-case team, and the inspiration behind including her character. He also provides insights into the upcoming TV series based on his books, with a Ballard show set to launch next year and a possible spinoff featuring Jerry Edgar, Bosch’s former partner.
Overall, “The Waiting” promises a gripping story that intertwines multiple characters and cases within the Michael Connelly Universe, offering readers a thrilling and immersive experience. The novel blends crime fiction with real-life inspirations, creating a compelling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.
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