Multi-talented artist Donald Glover, also known as Childish Gambino, has announced on social media that he is canceling the remainder of his tour dates due to a health issue. After being hospitalized following a show in New Orleans, Glover revealed that he will need surgery and time to heal. This news comes after he previously postponed the tour to focus on his physical health. Glover did not provide specific details about his health concerns but expressed the need to take his recovery seriously.
All tickets for the canceled tour dates will be refunded, disappointing fans who were looking forward to seeing him on stage again. Glover had previously stated that this tour would be the last Childish Gambino tour ever. Despite canceling the tour, he has other projects in the works including a series reboot for Amazon Prime and upcoming albums.
In his announcement, Glover requested love, privacy, and support as he prioritizes his health. Fans and colleagues have sent well wishes and support to the multi-talented artist as he focuses on his recovery.
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