Kate Winslet, known for her love of old tables with history, stars and produces in a new film titled “Lee,” based on the life of American war photographer Lee Miller. The film, opening on September 24, 2024, showcases Miller’s courage and determination as one of the few women photographers during World War II. Winslet, inspired by a table from Farley Farm in East Sussex, delved into Miller’s life and discovered a woman who defied societal norms to capture the truth of war.
Winslet’s portrayal of Miller in the film includes scenes of her photographing during the Blitz in London, in French villages, and even inside Hitler’s Berlin apartment. To accurately depict Miller’s work, Winslet learned how to use the same Rolleiflex camera Miller used and took photographs on set, some of which were displayed alongside Miller’s originals at an exhibition.
Winslet’s dedication to telling Miller’s story, despite challenges in financing and biases against the character, reflects her admiration for the photographer’s resilience and ability to bear witness to the suffering of others. Through “Lee,” Winslet aims to showcase Miller as a middle-aged, flawed woman who defied expectations and made her mark in a male-dominated field during a tumultuous time in history.
Overall, “Lee” is a testament to Lee Miller’s legacy and Kate Winslet’s commitment to portraying her in a nuanced and authentic light, highlighting the photographer’s unique perspective and impactful work during World War II.
Photo credit www.dailynews.com