“Waitress,” the hit Broadway musical, has been brought to life once again at the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts. The production, directed by Abbey O’Brien, stays true to the original show with a spot-on cast and engaging performances that wouldn’t be out of place in midtown Manhattan. Desi Oakley shines as Jenna, a waitress who finds solace in baking pies with whimsical names that reflect her moods.
The musical, with Sara Bareilles’ captivating score, features impactful tunes ranging from catchy pop and jazz rhythms to heartfelt ballads that delve into the characters’ emotional struggles. Oakley’s impeccable comedic timing and vocal talent bring depth to Jenna’s character, particularly in the show-stopping number “She Used to Be Mine.”
The production also features standout performances from Dominique Kent as Becky and Brian Krinsky as the villainous Earl. The comic showstopper “Never Ever Getting Rid of Me,” sung by Jared Gertner as Ogie, is a highlight that leaves the audience in stitches.
Overall, “Waitress” at the La Mirada Theatre is a must-see production, blending humor with heart and showcasing a talented and dynamic cast. The show runs through October 13th, with tickets available for purchase. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience this captivating and entertaining musical.
Photo credit www.dailynews.com