Nga Wai Hono i te Po was anointed as the new Maori Queen to replace her father, King Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII, who passed away. The ceremony took place during the funeral and burial of King Tuheitia, where the new queen was raised up and bestowed with sacredness and power using a bible and sacred oils. The ceremony was attended by thousands of people at Tuurangawaewae, the meeting place of the King movement. Following the anointment of the new queen, King Tuheitia’s coffin was taken to the Waikato River and paddled in a flotilla of traditional Maori waka to Taupiri Mountain for burial alongside other royals and high-profile Maori.
This significant event comes at a time when New Zealand is facing challenges to race relations. The anointment of a new Maori Queen represents a continuation of Maori traditions and customs within the Kiingitanga or royal family. The ceremony symbolizes the passing of leadership from one generation to the next, ensuring the preservation of Maori culture and heritage. The role of the Maori Queen holds cultural, spiritual, and political significance within the Maori community, and the anointment ceremony is a powerful display of unity and continuity within the Maori people.
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