Tom Selleck, known for his role in Blue Bloods, has recently opened up about the struggles he faced on his California avocado farm due to years of drought destroying his trees. However, even before this revelation, Tom found himself embroiled in controversy when he was accused of stealing water from the Calleguas Municipal Water District in Ventura County. The district claimed that Tom had stolen 1.4 million gallons of water over a two-year period, with a tanker truck allegedly taking water from a hydrant to his ranch during a severe drought.
After a legal battle, Tom and his wife Jillie agreed to pay a settlement to the water district. Despite the challenges, Tom still finds joy in his ranch activities like checking on his wildflowers and reading the morning paper. As he wraps up his role on Blue Bloods, he is contemplating his future and the possibility of having to leave his beloved farm if he stops working. Tom expressed his concern about being able to afford to continue living on his ranch, saying it’s always an issue, even though he is set for life financially. The 79-year-old actor remains hopeful that he can continue working to maintain his farm and the lifestyle he loves.
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