The new Australian TV series Totally Completely Fine starring Thomasin McKenzie has been receiving critical acclaim for its dark comedy theme inspired by true events. The show focuses on a young woman who inherits a property known for being a site where people attempt suicide by jumping off a cliff. She follows in her grandfather’s footsteps by talking down those struggling with suicidal thoughts. The story is inspired by the real-life hero Don Ritchie, who saved many lives at a notorious suicide location, The Gap in Sydney, Australia. Ritchie’s selfless actions of offering support and compassion to those in distress earned him national recognition and a Medal of the Order of Australia before his death in 2012.
The show has been praised for its ambitious storytelling and strong performances, particularly by McKenzie in the lead role. Critics have lauded the series for addressing mental health issues and the importance of offering support to those in crisis. With a perfect rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Totally Completely Fine is making a mark in the Australian TV landscape. The theme of hope and humanity portrayed in the show is a refreshing addition to the streaming age, offering a unique perspective on the struggles individuals face and the importance of reaching out for help in times of need.
Overall, Totally Completely Fine is a powerful and compelling series that sheds light on the impact of suicide and the importance of empathy and kindness in saving lives. Through its portrayal of real-life events and the heroism of individuals like Don Ritchie, the show delivers a message of hope and resilience in the face of darkness.
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