Arthur Nathaniel Booth, known for his viral video crying in court after being recognized by a former middle school classmate judge in 2015, is back in jail for a string of crimes in August. The Miami Police Department arrested Booth for posing as a water inspector or plumber to gain access to victims’ homes and stealing jewelry and gold chains. One victim, an 85-year-old man from Cuba, had his gold chain snatched by Booth after opening the faucet as requested. Police believe Booth could be connected to other incidents and consider him a threat that needs to be behind bars. Nearly a decade ago, Booth appeared before Miami-Dade Judge Mindy Glazer for a burglary and police chase, leading to the emotional moment when she recognized him as a former classmate. Glazer offered words of encouragement for Booth to turn his life around. Booth faces multiple charges for his recent crimes, including robbery, burglary, and home invasion, with no information available on his legal representation. The incident serves as a reminder of the impact of childhood choices and the hope for individuals to change their ways and lead a lawful life.
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