University of New Hampshire Launches Space Technology Hub to Foster Growing Space Economy
When people think of New Hampshire, they might not consider it a hub for the rapidly growing space economy. However, the University of New Hampshire is looking to change that perception with the introduction of the region’s first Space Technology Hub. This new facility aims to provide cutting-edge expertise and equipment for the expanding commercial space industry, a significant advancement for the Northeast’s space sector. Additionally, the hub plans to cultivate a new generation of space professionals by establishing a student-to-workforce pipeline through training opportunities.
The University of New Hampshire has a history of collaboration with NASA and other agencies, with researchers participating in over 100 space and rocket missions. RĂ©ka Winslow, the director of the Space Technology Hub, shared that the idea for the hub was born from her work on the iMap low instrument, developed for NASA’s iMap IMF mission. Through this project, she encountered challenges such as supply chain issues and parts obsolescence, prompting her to explore how the commercial space sector tackles similar issues.
The Space Technology Hub aims to bridge the gap between academia and the commercial sector, providing accessible and affordable solutions for companies to access space testing services. One local engineering firm, Creare, has already utilized the hub’s facilities for testing space instruments bound for a mission to Saturn’s largest moon, Titan.
The hub’s launch event showcased equipment that can simulate space conditions, like a thermal vacuum chamber and an anechoic chamber. Engineers and specialists with decades of mission expertise are also on board, highlighting the wealth of space science talent in New Hampshire. Overall, the Space Technology Hub is poised to boost the state’s standing in the space economy and facilitate innovation and growth in the industry.
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