As summer and early fall bring an abundance of produce from fruit trees and vegetable gardens, many gardeners may find themselves overwhelmed with how to use all of their harvest. Instead of letting the excess produce go to waste, there are options for preserving it for later use. From making jams and jellies to dehydrating fruits and vegetables, there are various methods to extend the shelf life and enjoy the flavors of the garden throughout the year.
One way to handle a sudden surplus of produce is by using a dehydrator to dry fruits like apricots, apples, and berries, as well as vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and herbs. Drying can reduce the volume of the food by 90%, making storage much easier and more efficient. Dehydrated produce can be used in soup mixes, as snacks, or turned into flavored powders by grinding them in a food processor.
There are different types of electric dehydrators available, with the more expensive models being more effective at drying food evenly. These dehydrators can often be found secondhand and provide a convenient way to preserve excess produce. Once the dried produce is sealed in a vacuum-sealed bag, it can be stored in the freezer indefinitely.
For those looking for more information on preserving their garden harvest, there are resources available through the University of California Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Programs in Los Angeles, Orange County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County. By taking advantage of these resources, gardeners can learn how to make the most of their bountiful harvest and enjoy the flavors of their garden all year long.
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