An elderly woman was killed and 19 others were wounded in Russian strikes on multiple regions of Ukraine, including Kharkiv, Donetsk, Nikopol, and Kherson. The strikes included bombings and drone attacks, with casualties including children and civilians. These attacks are part of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which has resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries. The local authorities in each region have reported on the casualties, with regional governors sharing the details on messaging apps like Telegram. The situation in Ukraine continues to escalate, with no sign of a resolution in sight. Russia denies targeting civilians or civilian infrastructure, but the ongoing violence has created a humanitarian crisis with devastating consequences for the people of Ukraine. The international community continues to condemn Russia’s actions and calls for an end to the violence in Ukraine. The situation remains volatile and uncertain, with civilians bearing the brunt of the conflict. The tragic loss of life and injuries in these strikes serve as a stark reminder of the human cost of war and the urgent need for peace and stability in the region.
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